Monday, January 2, 2012


OK, so it's a new month and a new year, which means new goals for myself when it comes to my writing. So here are my 2012 Writing Resolutions:

  1. Write 1000 words per day. I'm setting a goal each month that is equivalent to 1000 words/day. If I meet this goal before the end of the month, I can take a few days off before starting the next month's goal.
  2. Finish the first draft of Rosetta by January 31. I don't think I have another 31,000 words left to it, so hopefully I'll meet this goal before the end of the month.
  3. Finish editing Rosetta by June 1.
  4. Be actively searching for agents by December 31. Ideally I'd like to have an agent by December 31, but I'm trying to restrict my resolutions to things I can control.

So with these new resolutions comes a new word meter. I didn't quite hit my 31,000 word goal for December due to the holidays and my general inability to write when I'm on vacation, but hope springs eternal for January.


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